The Registration "Volleyball" is not currently available.
2024 Volleyball Registration is open, please use the above link to register your child.
Registration is $150 per child through June 14th. Registrations from June 15th - June 21st are $175. No registrations after June 21st will be accepted.
SJV Volleyball is open to all school families and Faith Formation students entering grades 5 - 8 in fall 2024.
Questions regarding the volleyball program can be directed to Patrick Sturm. Registration questions can be directed to Kaitlyn Buss.
Team practices start the week of team splits. If grades/genders need to conduct splits, those will count as practices. Coaches contact their team with weekly practice days and times. Grades 5 & 6 teams practice twice a week for 1½ hours each; Grades 7 & 8 teams practice twice a week for up to 2 hours each. League matches start in the beginning of September and finish in October.
League matches consist of three games. Rally scoring is used — first two games to 25; 3rd game to 15. The 3rd game is played regardless of the outcome of the first two games. Each team is to provide one parent line judge for each match.
Boys team league play is generally on Friday evenings and girls play on Saturdays. There are usually no regular league matches on Sunday, however the league reserves the right to schedule as needed.
St. John Vianney Shamrocks participate in the Metro Volleyball Conference. Team schedules can be found on their web page.
Uniforms are distributed during the first week of practice. Athletes are generally sized during team splits. Uniforms are to be returned by the athlete or parent during a uniform collection time. If the uniform is not returned, families will be charged a fee to cover the replacement of the uniform.
Families, excluding only the head coach of each team, are required to do concession duty a minimum of one time per child participating in the program during regular volleyball season matches. This may increase due to need. Families are also assigned to work concessions during their grade’s SJV tournament, regardless of whether or not their team is participating. Your help and cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please contact Kaitlyn Buss for concession questions or scheduling.
Each team will hold a parent meeting at the beginning of the season, at least 1 parent from each family is expected to attend. Parents and athletes are responsible for knowing and abiding by the policies in the Athletic Handbook.
At SJV, teams in grades 5 and 6 are split evenly, according to talent, by the SJV volleyball coaches. Grades 7 and 8 are split into A and B teams, according to talent by independent evaluators. To qualify for the A team, athletes must attend at least one of the team splits. Following the second night of team splits, athletes will be notified about their team placement.
St. John Vianney hosts several tournaments during the Fall season. For more information and registrations, please visit our Tournaments page.
It is due to the efforts of volunteers and the gifts of your time that we are able to continue to offer an excellent athletics programs at SJV. Each year, we are in need of coaches for boys and girls in grades 5-8. If you are interested in learning more, please email directly with interest or questions. Coaches must attend or have previously attended Safeguarding All God's Family and coaches training prior to the season. Please complete the Coaches Application. The Coaches Sportsmanship Pledge is included in the application form.